Using CG-Automator

Using CG-Automator

You can set up Windows Scheduler to work with CostGuard to automate the following:

Here is how:

1. Create your tasks in CostGuard.

If you have a multi-unit setup and are running tasks and importing unique files into each unit, remember to set up a unique task for each unit.

Click CG-Automator/ Tasks and Setup:
auto 1
Click ADD to create a new task:
Choose your Task and set up the parameters:
auto 2

Instructions for each specific CG-Automator Task


Usage Variance
Days on Hand
Sales Mix Import
Bulk Transfer Import
VendorTransport Import Text/CSV
VendorTransport Import Excel


Windows Task Scheduler

Once you have set up your tasks in CostGuard you will need to set Windows Task Scheduler to run the tasks in CG-Automator. This only needs to be done once. Here are directions for using Windows Task Scheduler.


Usage Variance

auto variance


Days on Hand

days on hand


Sales Mix Import

If you have a multi-unit setup and are running the POS Import using individual POS import files from each unit, remember to set up one task for each unit.
Task 2


Bulk Transfer Import


VendorTransport Text/CSV

If you have a multi-unit setup and are running the VendorTransport import using unique files for each unit, remember to set up one task for each unit.
VT Import Text


VendorTransport Excel Import

If you have a multi-unit setup and are running the VendorTransport import using unique files for each unit, remember to set up one task for each unit.
VT import excel