Adjustments Setup

Adjustments reconcile the physical Inventory counts with information from CostGuard and its reports.  Adjustments also explain the differences between your Sales Report (from Cash Register or POS) and the Inventory Manager in CostGuard.  Adjustments are a very important part of your business – you should know why the numbers do not match up and what happened to missing Inventory Items.

If you would like more information on how to use Adjustments, click here.  This section shows you how to create the Adjustment Types.

To Create the Adjustment Types

1.      Click Inventory, Click Setup, Click Adjustment Types

2.      Click the  to create an Adjustment Type.

3.      When finished, click  to save that Adjustment Type

4.      Keep clicking  and  to enter all Adjustment Types.

5.      When you are finished entering all of them, click Close to end

At a later point, you will learn how to enter in Adjustment amounts.  For more information on how to enter an Adjustment, click here

6.      To delete an Adjustment, move your cursor so that the  is to the left of the station name.  Click the  to delete.  A popup will appear to confirm.  Click Yes to Delete, click No to cancel.

If you accidentally delete an Adjustment Type, you will need to re-enter it.

7.      If you would like to see a list of Adjustment Names that you have entered into CostGuard, click Inventory, click Reports, and click the button before Names List.  Click Next, then Print to Print the List.

This Report shows all of the Names you have entered into CostGuard.  For more information on this Report, click here


To continue with the Tutorial and go to Requisitions, click here