Nutrition Module


You can purchase the Nutrition Module at any time. Simply visit for more information.

CostGuard has an optional Nutrition Module that calculates Nutritional Labels and displays the results in the familiar USDA label form.  To create the label, CostGuard collects information at two points in the program.  First, when you create an Inventory Item the nutritional data is collected.  Next, when you create the recipes, the nutritional information from all of the ingredients is added together to create the label. 


CostGuard provides information based on the USDA database.  We cannot vouch for the accuracy of that information.  Remember that the item you select from the database may not be the most applicable, and cooking methods, times, storage, brands, and portion sizes may affect the final calculations.  If your nutritional reporting needs are more rigorous, please consult a Registered Dietitian (RD) for further analysis.  They can also advise you on what information you need to enter in CostGuard for label accuracy.


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