Entering Counts


Fixing errors in the Counts section is easy. If the Count is suspended, simply open it up and change the number. If you saved the count, use the Edit/Delete count feature to fix it. For more information, click here.

This is where you actually enter in the counts for each Inventory item.  Have your printed sheets with the totals handy.  If you are using a laptop or tablet, simply move from room to room and type in the information.  When you Save your Counts, CostGuard will automatically update your inventory levels.

You can reach the Entering Counts screen either from the  icon or click Inventory, then click Counts to begin.

1.       Click the Enter Count Tab.  Your First Location will appear.

2.       Enter in the date.  You can type in the date or click the at the end of the date line.

The date should match the date of the Count, not the date you entered the information.  So, if you did your Count on Sunday night, but entered it on Monday, use Sunday’s date.  While you can edit and change items and quantities, once a Count is saved, you cannot change the date.  You can use your mouse or cursor to move to the Counted By and Verified By fields.  Type in the name of the person who did the count, and the name of the person who double-checked it.

When the date popup appears, today’s date is blue with a red circle around it.  If you want today, then click the circle to enter it.  To choose another date in this month, then move your cursor to that date and click on it.  To go to a previous month, click  button.  Keep clicking this button until you get to the month that you want. Today’s date, or if you highlighted another date will still be blue in that previous month.  Find the date that you want and click on it.  You can use the  to move to months in the future.

3.        To change the date of the Count, click the   next to the Date.  A pop-up calendar will appear.  Use your mouse or cursor to change the date.  Click the  to enter the date.

The date should match the date of the Count, not the date you entered the information.  So, if you did your Count on Sunday night, but entered it on Monday, use Sunday’s date.  While you can edit and change items and quantities, once a Count is saved, you cannot change the date.  You can use your mouse or cursor to move to the Counted By and Verified By fields.  Type in the name of the person who did the count, and the name of the person who double-checked it.

4.       Tab down and start entering in the counts.

CostGuard lists the Inventory Items by sub-location if you have entered them, then alphabetical order.  Notice that both the Purch\Pack Units are listed.  Back when you created each Inventory item, on the Unit Tab, you chose either the Purch Unit or Pack Unit as the default Physical Count Unit.  The Default unit will be in all CAPS, while the other unit will be in lower case.  Type in the Quantity of your Default Unit, then a slash ( / ) then the other unit.  For example, Olive Oil the Default Unit is CASE while the second unit is gal.  If you found 3 cases and 2 gallons of Olive Oil on the shelf, you would enter 3/2 for the count.  If you only found 3 gallons of Olive Oil, you would enter 0/3.  If you found 3 cases of Olive Oil, then enter 3 or 3/0 as you prefer.  For more information on the Unit Tab, click here.

5.       If you find something that is not on the sheet, click to add it to this location.

A list of Inventory Items associated with this location will appear.  Click on the Show All Items box to bring up a list of all Inventory Items.  Select the Inventory Item that you found, and click Select.  Since this is a new item in this location, you are prompted for an optional sub-location. Type in the new Inventory Item’s count. If there is more than one item, uncheck the “Close Dialog After Selecting Item” and the screen will remain at this popup. You can use the Search For field to find the item.  As you type in letters, the cursor will move to the first item that matches the letters.The reverse is also true.  If you find items on the list that are now located somewhere else, then click the  button to remove it from the count sheet.   


6.       When you are finished entering items from the first location, to go to the next location, click the  arrow next to the Location name.  Then use the mouse or the cursor to move to the Count Purch\Pack field.

Keep entering in the counts for each location until you are finished.

7.       To Print the Counts, click on the   icon.  The Print Preview will appear on the Screen.  Click on the  to send it to the Printer.  Make sure that you Print before you save the Counts.

8.       If you are called away while entering in counts, click on the  to Suspend the Count.  When you come back, click Inventory, click Counts, and a reminder to finish the Suspended Count will appear. 

You may also use the Suspend feature to have a manager review the work when it is finished. You can use rights to allow one user to enter and suspend, and another user to save the Counts.  For more information on User Rights, click here.

9.       When you are finished entering in the counts for all of the locations, click the  to save the counts.

Once you save a Count, it will appear on the Inventory Manager.  A saved Count will change all of your Reports.  For more information on how Counts affect Reports, click here.  Even after, you save the Count, you can still make changes.  You can use Edit/Delete Counts, in the next section, to make changes.


Continue regular path

To return to the Main count entrance for more information on using a Handheld for Counts or the Liquor Control Interface, click here.