Sales Setup

Before entering Sales, CostGuard needs additional information about your establishment.  Since the information helps generate reports, do this setup before running them.  The Setup information is located in two different locations, and you can modify as needed.

1.       Click Sales, click Options.


2.       If you are importing data from a POS, you need to tell CostGuard where the files are located.  Click Select, and another popup menu will appear.  Select your POS system from the list.

If your POS system is not listed, click here

3.       Next, you need to tell CostGuard the name of the file where your POS data is stored.  This is a file created by your POS system to transfer data to other programs.  Most of the time, it will be located in a folder created by the POS installation.  Click Select, to bring up a browser pop-up menu to find the folder.  Find the file, use the mouse to highlight it, and click open.

As finding the folder can be tricky, if you have any questions on its name, call your POS dealer or manufacturer to find the file’s location.  If you want CostGuard to download the data on a regular basis, make sure the POS system is setup to send the sales data to the file on a daily basis.  Later, when you import the data, you can search for the file, especially if the POS system changes the name to reflect the date.












4.       If you want CostGuard to import the sales dollar amounts, click that box.  Otherwise, leave it blank.

Clicking this box means CostGuard imports the dollar amount of the sales as well as the menu item counts.  This feature allows you to track complimentary items, discounted meals, employee meals, and other sales below the usual pricing set in CostGuard.  This feature will save time by avoiding adjustments.  For more information on adjustments, click here. 

5.       When finished, click OK

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